Boy Scout Troop 399 Lansdale, PA
Troop pictures are hosted on photo-sharing web sites such as Flickr (Yahoo) and Snapfish. It may be necessary to create an account on those sites in order to access the pictures.
2014-01-07 and 2014-01-14 - Cooking Merit Badge at Cabin
Fall 2013 - Eric's Eagle Project
2013-11-02 - Pig Roast
2013-10-12 - Cub-O-Ree
2013-10-26 - Knapp Road Clean-up and Shed Dedication Ceremony
2013-10-05 - Lions Club Breakfast
2013-08-21 - Riley Eagle Ceremony
2013-06-15 - Patrick Eagle Project
Patrick Eagle photos-II
2012 Veterans Flags at Cemetery
2012 Communications Badge at Cabin
2012 Troop Meetings
2012-03-17 - First Aid Meet
2012-04-21 - Poconos
2012-05-19 - Memorial Day Parade
2012-05-26 - Awards Banquet
2012-07-03 - Softball
2012-07-10 - Hawk Mountain Summer Camp
2012-10-13 - Cub-O-Ree
2012-10-16 - Fall Court of Honor
2012-11-03 - Pig Roast
2012-11-17 - Scouting For Food Pickup
2012-12-28 - Bowling
2011-02-12 - Kevin M Eagle Ceremony,
more pictures
2011-03-05 - First Aid Meet
2011-03-19 - Cabin Outing and Lake Galena
2011-04-30 - Creek Cleanup
2011-05-21 - Naval Academy
2011-06-15 - Ray Eagle Project
2011-06-18 - Patrick Philmont
2011-06-21 - Rita's Water Ice Fundraiser
2011-07-11 - Resica Summer Camp
more pictures
2011-08-10 - Patrick Sea Base
2011-09-11 - Fire Department Visit
2011-09-20 - Mr. Ames Appreciation Party
2011-10-08 - Cuboree
2011-11-05 - Pig Roast
2011-11-12 - Scouting For Food Pickup
2011-12-28 - Bowling
2010-01-23 - Cabin Outing
2010-02-27 - Kevin J Eagle Ceremony
2010-04-10 - Jambo Crew Weekend at Delmont
2010-04-24 - Creek Cleanup
2010-04-24 - Awards Banquet
2010-05-15 - Peter Eagle Project
2010-06-05 - Cape May
2010-06-26 - Softball
2010-07-06 - Fencing
2010-07-11 - Tuckahoe Summer Camp
2010-07-26 - Depart For Jamboree
2010-07-29 - National Jamboree
2010-09-15 - Delaware River Canoe Trip
2010-10-09 - Cuboree
2010-10-10 - Peter Eagle Ceremony
2010-10-16 - Fall Court of Honor
2010-11-06 - Pig Roast
2010-11-11 - Veterans Day
2010-11-13 - Scouting For Food Pickup
more pictures
2010-11-21 - Applebee's Pancake Breakfast
2010-11-27 - Richard Eagle Ceremony
2010-12-30 - Rock Climbing
2009-01-23 - Klondike
2009-04-25 - Creek Cleanup
2009-04-25 - Awards Banquet
2009-05-06 - Camping
2009-06-13 - Lucas Eagle Project
2009-06-25 - Swim Test
2009-07-02 - Ockanickon Summer Camp
2009-10-10 - Cuboree
2009-11-07 - Pig Roast
2009-11-14 - Alex and Robbie Eagle Ceremony Pictures
2009-11-21 - Scouting For Food Pickup
2009-12-12 - Jambo Crew Valley Forge Day Hike
2009-12-28 - New York City
2008-02-29 - Klondike
2008-03-01 - First Aid Meet
2008-03-14 - Cabin Outing
2008-04-14 - Washington's Crossing
2008-04-26 - Creek Cleanup
2008-05-10 - Awards Banquet
2008-05-13 - Veteran Graves
2008-05-16 - Ricketts' Glen
2008-05-25 - Lansdale Memorial Day Parade
2008-07-08 - Softball
2008-07-22 - Resica Summer Camp
2008-09-15 - Delaware River
2008-11-08 - Pig Roast
2008-11-15 - Scouting For Food Pickup
2008-12-29 - Rock Gym
2007-04-20 - Hickory Run
2007-05-05 - District Jamboree at Green Lane
2007-05-08 - Road Cleanup
2007-05-12 - Awards Banquet
2007-05-19 - Veteran Graves
2007-05-20 - Charity Kickball Tournament
2007-06-30 - Model Rockets
2007-07-03 - Softball
2007-07-08 - Tuckahoe Summer Camp
2007-09-22 - Resica Backpacking
2007-10-06 - Road Cleanup
2007-10-13 - Cuboree
2006-07-10 - Hawk Mountain Summer Camp